WEEK 39: INHALERS! Physical and Spiritual allergies!! He is the BREATH of life!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Subject: Spiritual inhalers

Aloha my beloved family,

I hope you've all had a great week and have come closer to our savior as well. This week was a pretty slow week full of stress with phone calls, some member lessons, and some service. We were supposed to have a lesson with some lady in Brazil but she forgot that day so we rescheduled for tomorrow... hopefully she won't forget this time haha. 

We have been teaching a member family everyday for the past 2 weeks and it has been awesome. The father has a desire to love his wife more and be there more for his son. The spirit that is in their family now is beautiful and so is their faith. 

For our service project we laid down mulch for a lady in the other ward. It was very hot but it was so nice to get outside the house and work. It is definitely a feeling that I miss. 

Now back to my title of this week. Why is it called spiritual inhalers? Well due to my asthma and other things as well I've woken up many nights this week and last week having a very hard time breathing. After taking my inhaler the pain would go away but would shortly come back. Luckily after a couple of days I can breathe better and found out I am covid free but I still get episodes here and there. So how does this apply spiritually? Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to breathe as we surround ourselves with worldly troubles. Covid, riots, and technology and these things keep us from breathing. The only way to get rid of these is by taking our spiritual inhalers. Christ has called himself the breath of life and he is our spiritual inhaler. We must use constantly in our lives. This inhaler is different because we need to take it daily. We cant wait till we cant breathe then take it. It must be a daily dose. I love you all and hope you find someone to serve this week. God be with you!

Com amor,

Elder Nawahine 

Asked his mom for a musubi maker and she sent em and he made em for da house.  

Empty plate...must've been grindz!


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