WEEK 38: Ain't no cockroach got my back!!
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 6:10 PM
Subject: Who are you?
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 6:10 PM
Subject: Who are you?
Aloha family,
I miss you all and hope everyone is well! This week was awesome because for one we had zone conference. Our zone conference was amazing and was so spiritual. We had the area president talk to us about the who we were, who we are, and who we will become. He told us that we were chosen and held back to be on this earth... now what he said next really brought the spirit. He talked about how wicked this earth is and how we knew this and we probably looked back at god and questioned why this one? Out of all your creations, why this one? Then god responds, "fear not, for look at all the others I shall send with you and i shall send my only begotten son down with you." After hearing this we all received courage and gladly took our place to come down in his due time. We are God's children and that will never change. He trusted all of us to bring his children to the truth. He sent his son to die for us so we could return if we chose to accept his gospel. When we pass away and if we are faithful and endure to the end then we shall receive a mansion and a crown of glory. And best of all we shall be with our families forever in the presence of our father in heaven. Is there any better gift? Is there any better promise? I testify that there is not. Families are everything and they always will be. Let me give you all an example that my dad taught me. We can compare everyone in the world besides our family to cockroaches. When the going gets tough and the lights come on, all the cockroaches scatter and leave you alone. But you're family will always be there lights on or lights off. Your father in heaven has got your back too. Pray to him and read his words and share them to all. Show the lord that you love him so you can say on judgment day, "yea lord, I love thee!!" My beloved family I testify that the lord loves you. Read john 3:16 and pray about it and I promise you shall receive. I hope this week is full of light and love. Don't give up and don't give in. I love you all and keep you in my prayers!
Com amor,
Elder Nawahine
1. Fried rice and oj
2. Road trip with a couch lol
3. Couch pic haha
4. Dinner with da boiz
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