WEEK 22: O Livro de Mórmon é verdadeiro!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 7:48 AM
Subject: O livro de mórmon

Minha querida familia,

Oh how I miss you all! My heart is full of love for each and every one of you and my prayers are filled with your names always. This week we have been teaching a lot of people and have been testifying about the truthfulness and the power of the book of mormon in our lives and in their lives as well. Something that surprised this week was yesterday we had stake conference and the theme was about the book of mormon. A lot of youth and members bore their testimony about the power of the book of mormon and the role it has played in their lives. The spirit was really strong during the conference and I had the opportunity to sit next to one of our investigators. His name is Luis and he is 18 years old. After it was all done we started to talk about what he thought of the conference and the people in our ward. He said he loved it and loved how everyone was really open and friendly... then we talked about the book of mormon. I asked if he had read the scripture that we left with him. He said yes but he didnt get a chance to read all of it. I then asked if he had a chance to pray and he said this to me. "I did not get a chance to pray but I know that this book is true. While I was reading the passages inside, I was thinking and pondering about the things in this book and I was overwhelmed with feeling of peace and happiness. I had a desire to learn more and read more as well." When he told me this I could feel the spirit inside him like fire in the bones. This happened with our other investigator too but not on such a big scale as Luis. She liked the words and the stories in the book of mormon and she wants to read more. This spiritual hunger that they have is because they read the words and pondered and even prayed as well. In 2 Nefi 32, we learn that we must feast upon the words of christ and in the beginning of Enos we learn that when we start to think about the words we have read or heard we begin to feel this hunger for more. It is not a coincidence that this year we are challenged to read the book of mormon. So I challenge each of you to read the book of mormon... it can be some random part, a section from come follow me, your favorite scripture, etc. I challenge you all to feast upon the words of Christ this week and really ponder about the words you read and lessons you learned. If you do this you shall have also this spiritual hunger and you will feel this fire in your bones. This week we have someone marked for baptism... but we will see because the reason he wasnt baptized before is because he was dating someone and they were planning on getting married. But now they are seperated and he has a strong desire to get baptized... even though he already had one. So today we will be talking to him and explaining the process of baptism and the baptismal interview as well. But I have faith that everything will be okay... tudo vai estar certo sempre. This was pretty much my week though, full of talking to people and teaching our investigators about the restoration and the importance of the book of mormon. Então eu sinto saudade de vocês e espero que vocês estão bem. Eu amo vocês muito! I hope you all have a great week this week with your families!!

com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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