WEEK 4: He taught to Become as little children.....but NO act like one!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Love of God

Ola minha familia!!
I hope everyone is doing well! I miss all of you guys and pray for you all the time. This week has really tested my patience and my purpose as a missionary. I have been annoyed with some of the elders from my district just because they act like little immature children. I've praying for strength for patience and humbleness and God has answered my prayers. Only through God was I able to get through this week without flipping a desk over lol. Also this week has been very spiritual for me as well. IDK how God does it, but he can take total strangers and turn them into family. I've seen this many times since i've been in the CTM. for example, our brazilian roommates left this morning to their missions and so did my very good friend Elder Fogg from idaho falls. It was like saying goodbye to family when i had to say goodbye to them last night. But one of the things that I thought of was that if I feel this way with these Elders I can only imagine what God felt when he had to say goodbye to us and his son. Because it hurts to say goodbye so I can only imagine what he felt. Before I go I challenge you guys to be a light in someones life this week. Read 3 Nephi 12: 14-16 this week and strive to be a beacon of light!! Eu amo voces!! Pray to god always and strive to be your best in everything you do!!

Com amor,
Elder Nawahine


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