WEEK 15: Go to the HOUSE of the Lord! You will be blessed!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 1:29 PM
Subject: A Casa do Senhor

Oi familia,

Another week down and I hope it was a good one for all of you guys. This week was pretty crazy because we were not in our area most of the week. Monday we went to Olinda, which is about 30 min from our area by bus, and we drank shakes and went to a tourist place and took pics. Then on Wednesday we went to the airport to renew my companions visa and we had to get up at 5 in the morning just to get there by 7:30. We were there for about half the day and then we came home and did studies and went to work. Then on Friday we went to the temple and had our zone conference at the mission home. The temple was awesome and so beautiful. As missionaries in Recife, we only get to go 4 times on our mission... but with the split of the mission I might be able to go only 2... but I will take what I can get. We weren't there for that long, but we still didn't start working until later on in the day. So we were kind of all over the place this week, but it was okay. We ended up not having a baptism this week because the kid we were trying to baptize was never in his house this week because of a test in school. And they will be moving this month so we probably won't be the ones baptizing them. We are teaching this girl Cibelly who is 18 years old and she is really good. We have her marked for the 28 of December and we will keep teaching her and strengthen her testimony and help her be prepared for her baptism. We are also teaching these other two girls, Joelle (13) and Jessica (18), who have fulfilled all the invitations we have given them. They love our church and love to read, but their mom is part of another church and doesn't like our church at all. We will keep working with them, but they have a desire to learn more and be apart of our church. Yesterday we had a primary program and it was so cool. We had about 140 people there which is so much for our ward. The kids sang so beautifully and we had some families sing too... I am glad they didn't have us missionaries sing haha. One father sang with his daughter a child's prayer and it was so spiritual. In the middle of the song the dad stopped and just couldn't sing anymore. Being overwhelmed with the spirit he started to cry and tried to continue the song to the best of his ability. I also started to tear up a bit seeing the love that he had for his daughter and it made me think of not only my parents who have given so much for me, but of my Heavenly parents. For Christ said that we must be like little children to inherit the kingdom of God and seeing all these innocent little kids made me realize how true this statement was. I will have a special challenge for next week because of Christmas, but that doesnt mean that this week wont be any less important. My challenge is for you to find an opportunity to go the temple and take a family name with you. It isnt hard... all you do is find a name, print it out, and GO!! Most of you back home live very very very close to the temple and others not so much, but if you will make this sacrifice you will be blessed. For the temple is a gift and blessing from God so we can become closer to him and make covenants to be an eternal family forever. What a gift our Father in Heaven has given us to live with him and our families in Heaven forever. I love you all and pray that you will always have the spirit to be with you always. Know that I fight for all of you constantly so I may be with you always. Eu amo vocês e sinto saudade de vocês também, mas eu sei que eu vou ver vocês de novo!! Tchau

Com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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