WEEK 14: Fly and FIGHT like dragons....it sure would eliminate steps and stairs!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 12:59 PM
Subject: Lutando

Ola Minha familia,

Not a lot has happened this past week but I will explain in further detail my area. I am serving in Pernambuco in aguas compridas. Our apartment is a newer apartment, but we do not live in our area so we walk about 7 min until we arrive in our area. Our area consists of a lot of hills and stairs that we climb every single day to our many appointments throughout the week. And as the weather is starting to get hotter it doesnt help with the many stairs haha. Our investigators are awesome and currently we are teaching this family that we should be baptizing this month. The mom on the other hand has a lot of questions about our church, especially about Joseph Smith. As missionaries we try to answer her questions and lead her to the right sources to find these answers, but she chooses not to. We will keep working with her this week especially since we will be baptizing her son this week. This past sunday was the first time they all went to church together. We took a small van and packed 17 people just to go to church. But hey they got to church and that is all that matters even though it was so crowded in that van. Something funny is that we met this lady a couple of weeks ago and she is a bit crazy and really touchy. We ended up seeing her again and she came up and hugged us and kissed us... but she is short so she kissed our chests haha. We couldnt do anything except stand there and just take it haha. The people here are usually like this haha but they are awesome to talk to especially about religion. Now for my challenge: I have 2 scriptures for you guys to read. One I will type in portuguese and the other you will just have to look up on your own haha. The first is Mosiah 20:11, "E aconteceu que o povo de Lími começou a repelir os lamanitas, apesar de seu número não chegar á metade do deles. Mas lutavam pela vida e por suas esposas e filhos; portanto, empregaram todos os seus esforços e combateram como dragões." The other scripture is Alma 43:45. I want you guys to think why you fight everyday to keep the commandments? Why do you go to work? Why do you wake up every morning? I thought about this throughout this week of why I wake up every morning and why am I out here. I am out here because I love this gospel and I want everyone to experience the same joy I feel as well. I am out here because I love my savior Jesus Christ!! I fight for him and I fight for my family! So what do you fight for?? I love you all and hope that you are all well. I will talk to you all next week!! Tchau!!

Com amor, 

Elder Nawahine


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