WEEK 1 - FOB status!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 3:53 PM
Subject: 1st week in Brazil

Ola minha familia e amigos,
      I have made it one full official week in the Brazil MTC, and it has honestly been a blast but really busy. Our schedules are packed with language classes, personal study, and companion study as well. My companion is Elder Brock from Arizona. He is an awesome companion and is always happy no matter what the activity lol. So me and my companion room with these other two missionaries from utah and Arizona and they are so funny. Our first night in Brazil was one of our scariest nights and funniest. One of the other companions in our room was sleeping on the top bunk and somehow he fell off lol. It woke all of us up and literally was the funniest thing ever. When we woke up the next morning he thought it was all a dream haha. So I do not have much time to email this week due to some technical difficulties haha, but just know that God loves all his children. He has a plan for all of us and that is the plan of salvation. Pray to him constantly so you can feel his love every single day. Know that I love each and everyone of you guys and are praying for all of you always. Also I will not be able to send pics while in the MTC so big bummer haha. But anyways I love you all and will talk to you next week.

Elder Nawahine


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