WEEK 2 - Iosepa vs Peanuts! Watch what you eat!!
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From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 3:56 PM
Subject: The atonement of Jesus Christ
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 3:56 PM
Subject: The atonement of Jesus Christ
Hola Minha Familia,
I hope everything is going well for everybody. It's officially been three weeks since I left home and I can't explain how fast everything is happening. Days start to feel like hours after a while. Sometimes you feel like you don't have have enough time to do things. The food down here is very interesting. We get sandwiches everyday for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch and dinner, but my personal favorite thing we get is Guarana. Guaruna, for those who don't know, is a brazilian drink that you can only get in Brazil and it's so good. The elders in my district drink it all the time and probably even too much...
So I testify that O dom de linguas (gift of tongues) is real for those who are worthy and work hard. I am definitely not fluent yet neither am I close to being fluent, but understanding the language is getting easier. It definitely gets frustrating at times especially when everyone else can understand except you. But this is my 13th day in the CTM and I actually know a lot. Me and my companheiro practice and pray everyday so we can receive revelation and help from the Holy Ghost.
My district is awesome. It's awesome to think that God can take 10 total strangers and bring them together and become a family. Everyday my testimony grows as I hear the testimonies of my district. We are all so close to each other that it feels like a second family for me.
So wednesday we went to the Campinus temple and it was beautiful. It was awesome to see all of God's missionaries dressed in white pondering in the house of the Lord.
So this story that I tell you is not to scare anyone or to worry anyone but to tell you about the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. So Friday I had some peanuts, which im allergic to, and I had a really bad allergic reaction. My body started to swell up and my eyes started to shut. They had to take me to the hospital because it was soo bad. But tho I was in so much pain all I could think about was that Jesus knows exactly how I feel. He suffered for all because he loves us so much. Just that thought of Christ made that whole experience that much better. So i am better now so no worries lol.
So I got to go but I love you all and pray for you every single day. Pray constantly to your heavenly father for strength and look for opportunities to serve and share your testimony. Your heavenly father loves you which is why he sent his son to die for us. Eu amo voces!!!! God be with you until we meet again!!
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