WEEK 45: FAITH and fear... of sleepwalkers....creepy!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Faith and fear... of sleepwalkers

Aloha my beloved family,

My week was great and I hope yours was just the same. We have finally been released from the dog house and out on the streets. We aren't aloud to knock on doors but we can openly talk to people as long as we wear masks. A couple of miracles have opened this week because of this new change. On our very first day of leaving the apartment we walked blindly and said hi to passing cars and a couple of runners. A runner passed us from behind and turned around and waved and kept going. As he was about 50 yards away he turned around and ran up to us and asked to walk and talk with us. His name is james and he is surprisingly 19 haha. He is studying to become a pastor but doesn't truly trust in his faith. He is seeking for the truth and is currently reading the book of mormon. We have talked to him about 2 times now already and he has definitely felt the spirit. He told us that if he came to the knowledge that the book of mormon is true then he would convert and be baptized without hesitation. He is currently reading and praying everyday to know about the truthfulness of the book of mormon. We are so excited! We also had a baptism on saturday for a 9 year old kid we have been teaching. He was baptized by his father and confirmed by him as well! What a great experience it was to witness that!! Now to my title haha. So this week I had a little horror movie in the middle of the night lol. As you know I sleep in a 4 elder apartment with elder taylor, elder Gibbon (comp), and elder baker. As we were sleeping one night I woke up to the sound of someone squirming in their bed, but I ignored it. Then at the foot of my bed, because I sleep on the top bunk, I feel pressure as if someone is coming onto my bed. I look at the foot of my bed and notice someone or something coming up to my bed. Fortunately it was elder taylor but he was asleep and walking... he ended up on his knees on the foot of my bed facing towards the edge. In fear and hesitation I asked, "tay tay are you ok?" Then he answered, "it's way past tay tay now." Well at this point I'm full of terror but by the grace of god he woke up and made his way back to his bed where he fell back asleep and with a bunch of effort and prayers I too made my way back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I asked him if he remembered what happened last night and he said that he remembers being on top of my bed but doesn't remember getting up. Well luckily I haven't had another incident like this but it goes greatly into what I wanted to talk about. As I have said before faith cannot coexist with fear or doubt. We are either faithful or fearful there is no in between. When we are faithful we make things happen, but when we are fearful we let things happen to us. Be faithful and exercise your faith in god. "For god hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8.  As you go through this week, choose to over come fear and doubt by having faith. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. I love you all and hope you are all safe and healthy. I'll see you guys all soon!!


Elder Nawahine 


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