WEEK 41: How do I know if my thoughts come from God???

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:59 PM
Subject: Thoughts from God

Aloha my beloved family,

I hope all is well with all of you. This week has been a great week and even better with fathers day as well. I hope all of you had a chance to recognize your fathers or father figures in your life. This week we got in contact with some of my companions friends again and we taught them the plan of salvation. It was a good lesson and they definitely learned a lot, but they also had a lot of questions which is good. We answered all their questions with scripture and backed it up with our testimonies and it went really well. They agreed to pray about it all and to see us this week as well so I am pretty excited about that. We also had a chance last week to do a service project with some members in our ward. We helped them carry firewood to another members house. It was nice to get out of the house but some of those logs were heavy haha. But this week we have some other lessons with investigators hopefully and maybe some service. We will for sure be getting a whole bunch of new missionaries because of transfers so I am pretty excited. Now to my title... have you ever wondered if your thoughts to do good were your thought or thoughts from god? How do you discern if it's from him or not? Well luckily the answers are inside the book of mormon. In Moroni 7 we read on how to discern the things of god and the things of the devil. It tells us if we receive anything that will make us better, persuades us to do good, or to lift someone else up then it is from god. And if it is degrading to yourself or someone else or persuades you to do evil then it is from the devil. Do not think that evil thoughts are from God or that good thoughts are from the devil. And remember that wickedness never was happiness. Please, as you go through this week, try to discern the thought from God and do them. Lift others up when they are in need and become more like our savior. I love you all and hope and pray that you will love the Lord always for he loves you! I keep you all in my prayers!!


Elder Nawahine

Pics with my comp lol


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