WEEK 26: Carnaval...Crazy!!! Serve in secret and be thou Humble!

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From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 1:36 PM
Subject: Carnaval chegou e teminou

Well this week was crazy... we only worked in the morning due to carnaval and it was stressful. We had a lot of study time which was nice but your mind starts to wander after 3 hours in the house with nothing to do but read... Every night there was a party outside our apartment that kept me up most of the night haha but it was an experience. Most of the people we talked to this week were interesting... for example: We were talking to this man about Adam and Eve and the agency that they had and how we all have agency to choose right or wrong. He responded like this, "your agency is different and doesn't exist because God put his children on the earth and the children of satan on earth..." He explained that we are already chosen on where we will go after this life... we then continued to teach about faith and works and he explained that works is not works but miracles... We tried to teach him and read from the bible but he was stubborn in what he believed in so we left an invitation and left. We continued to teach many people like this during this week, but at the same time we found great people to teach and bring to the gospel. Luckily today is the first day without carnaval and it has been a blessing. We went to church yesterday, of course, and our ward is awesome and the members love the missionaries. We are given a lot of food and treats even though we have so much in our house already. The members are never hesitant to share their blessings with us. So this is my message to you. We are all blessed in our lives with a lot of things. And like King Benjamin said upon that tower to his people- when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are in the service of our God. So this week search for opportunities to serve someone whether it be a friend, a stranger, someone in your family, etc. Serve them and do it not searching for recognition or praise. Do it in secret and humble yourself before the Lord. I am sorry that this email is short but know that I love you all and pray for you constantly!! Fica com Deus!

PS- I finished the first quarter now it is time for the second

com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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