WEEK 27: Dare to Stand Alone....You are NEVER ALONE!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 1:47 PM
Subject: courage

Well another week here in Bom Pastor and let me tell you all that it was hot... really hot. You could be in the shade but you will still sweat but of the heat and our fans only blow hot air on our faces so... awesome haha. This week was kind of a struggle because most of all our appointments fell due to them not wanting to talk to us and them not being in the house. It was a struggle, especially when we had divisions and I had to stay in the area which was difficult because I don't know the area that well... but luckily I was able to find everything ok and only got lost once haha. We knocked on door after door and most people said, "I am busy" or "I am already a part of a church"... but we still tried our best. We invited and invited and tried our best to share this wonderful gospel with everyone but just like the scriptures everyone has a choice to choose what they want. Though many people said no I learned a lot and still found joy in the work forgetting myself and my needs and doing the will of the father. Tomorrow is zone conference and we have to prepare two talks that president will choose in the same hour. The topics are courage and discernment and as I was preparing for my talk of courage I started to think of the 2000 stripling warriors who left their homes, families, comfort to fight for what they knew to be true. As missionaries we were taught in our youth by parents or parent figures to always choose the right and stand up for what we know to be right. Alma 53: 20-21. They fought for what they knew to be true and they fought for their families and for the religions and as missionaries we are doing just that. And a couple of years ago we had the theme Dare to stand alone and I challenge all of you to do just that. Stand alone and Stand up for what you know to be right. It will be scary and you will be timid but I promise that everything will be ok in the end. Trust in the Lord your God and he will do the rest for you!! Dare to be different and Go and do because most likely someone will follow your example. I love you all and hope this week is full of joy and love in your home, your family, and in your life. Look for the Lord's hand in everything that you do!! I know this work and church is true. I wouldn't have left my family if it wasn't. I have felt the love of our dear Heavenly Father over and over again as I read his words and follow his example. I know he will comfort us in need of comfort and cry with us when everything seems to go wrong. He loves you and waits with open arms to reunite with you guys one day!! 

Com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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