WEEK 28: Irmã can you understand me? "Shamalaka lala"

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:12 PM
Subject: Irmã can you understand me?

Well guys it is true, the corona virus has arrived in Recife but I am sure you guys are sick and tired of hearing about this virus. So I will talk about an experience I had with a woman. We were trying to make contacts on the street and we happened to knock on a certain door. This lady answered and we started to have a conversation about religion. We got to the point when we started to talk about the gift of tongues and I explained that the gift of tongues is when a person can speak a new language or say certain words from the spirit but people can understand. Down here people believe that the gift of tongues is talking in a strange language that sounds something on the lines of ​​"Shamalaka lala" haha. I have already heard this walking past many churches. Anyways I explained the gift of tongues to her and asked if she could understand and she said no... but earlier she was answering all my questions and we were talking with each other... I didnt understand her answer because it didnt make any sense how she couldnt understand me yet we were in a conversation. We continued to talk and got to the point when we talked about the plan of salvation. She asked me if I knew where I would go after this life. I told her yes irmã I do!! I explained clearly where I would go and she said no this is wrong. There only exists death and Heaven/Hell. She said that my bible was wrong... yet it was the same bible that she was using as well. We asked her to grab her bible so we could show her that this exists but she said that she was busy. Before she left she said, "I hope you guys find the true church." And we told her that we have and that she should pray to find the true church of Christ. There is a lot of people like this down here that believe in tongues and that our church is false. But I KNOW this church is true!!! How?? I prayed and I am preaching this gospel and everything that I know to be true here in Brazil. I may not speak as well as the others but I teach with the spirit and he carries my message to all. In Moroni 10 we read that we must pray and ask god if these things are not true, but also that we must receive them first. Receive and ask and you shall receive again!! All he asks is that we read and pray. Just two things and yet this seems to be hard for people. As members and missionaries we have a testimony of this church and of the book of mormon but this doesnt mean that we must stop praying and reading. We must read everyday and feast upon the words of Christ and then everyone shall kneel and ask the Lord in faith if these things are not true. Do this simple invitation and go and share it with everyone. With this virus in the world, people will look for a cure... both physically and spiritually. Let this gospel be that cure!! Be the light in this world just as the Savior was and is!! I love you and hope that you are all healthy and safe!! I pray for you always!! Fica com Deus sempre!! Today we went to alta da Sé and these are the pics that I took!!

com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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