WEEK 20: Walk in Faith as a FAMILY!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 1:08 PM
Subject: Uma Rua em Brazil

Oi minha querida familia,

This week was an awesome week for me and my companion. A lot of miracles happened again this week and one of the biggest was we were struggling finding new people to teach so we stopped in the middle of the road and prayed. When we finished praying my companion turned to me and said to choose a road. So I chose a road and we started to walk down that road and we made a goal that we would talk to everyone on that road... and that's exactly what we did. We talked to everyone and we made a lot of contacts that day. We made about 16 contacts that day and even went back to teach some of them. We also were given a reference last Sunday but we forgot to get his address and his number, but we did mark a day to visit and talk to him. So that morning we left the house and literally walked in faith and as we were about to give up he pulled up on his motorcycle. He said that he was looking for us and he passed his number and his address to us and we went to house to talk to teach. He is awesome and asked a lot of good questions and we will mark him for baptism hopefully this week. Something that really frustrated me this week was we were teaching this lady the restoration and she started to laugh. She didn't take us seriously while we were teaching the truth. But I know that I did everything that I could've done to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to her, and now she has agency to choose to follow the example of Christ or not. But besides that my week was great and I hope your week was great too. I would like to challenge you all to sit down with your family tonight and have family home evening and even watch one of the Book of Mormon videos with your family. The key factor in my challenge is family!! It doesn't matter what you guys do but I want you guys to be together as a family and enjoy the time as a family. I love you all and miss you all!! I pray for you all every single day!! I will talk to you all next week. Tchau!

com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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