WEEK 18: Are those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Brazil???

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Turtles in the sewers

Olá Minha Família,

I love you all and wish you all Feliz Ano Novo!! This week was a good week but a struggle for me as well. I dont know if included this into my email, but we have been teaching these two awesome girls, Joelli and Jessica. They are so good and read and pray together every night. They wanted to be baptized, but their mom is from another religion (assembleia de Deus). Their mom said they could be baptized if they received an answer and knew more about the church, so we did just that. We had them pray and we taught them the first five lessons before baptism and answered any questions they had. They received their answers and were so excited to be baptized...but the mom said no and wouldnt let us return and wouldnt let them go to church. This has been a struggle for me, because a lot of times the kids want to be baptized and join our church but the parents wont let them. I know the parents are doing what they think is right for their kids so we ask the parents to pray about our message and about the baptism of their kids, but they choose not to do it. I believe they do this because they are afraid of receiving an answer from God about the truthfulness of our church. But God has a funny way of blessing my life when we lose great people, because he blessed me and my companion with another mark for baptism for the 25 of january and 10 new people to teach. I now have a testimony that if you will do everything you humanly can and know that things are not in your hands but in gods, then god will do the rest and bless you so much. So the title of my email is pretty weird and probably is making you wonder where are the pics... sadly I dont have pics. But here in brazil there are turtles that swim in the sewers and walk on the road sometimes. I wanted to take a pic but I would have gotten robbed haha. I also got to hold a snake and put it around my neck haha. The snake is one of our less active members snake. It doesnt bite but the spider that he has does so....lol. This week I was reading in the bible about Joseph and his determination to honor his master and keep his commandments. When Potiphar's wife called on him to lie down with her and he said no multiple times, but yet she kept asking. Soon enough she grabbed him and told him to lie down with her and he ran and in the process his garments were ripped off. We must be like Joseph and run from Satan. Run from temptation when it beckons to you to come and look, lie down, or etc. Run towards the light which is the light of Christ and you will find joy and happiness for ever. I testify that this will strengthen you and those you love as well. I love you all and miss you guys like crazy, but I know where I must be and what I must do!! Eu amo vocês e sinto saudades de vocês!! Tchau até próximo!! 

Com Amor,

Elder Nawahine

PS. the food is tapioca which contains cheese, cooked bananas, cinnamon, condensed milk. It is so good. The name in portuguese is cartola.


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