WEEK 19: Transfers, Companions, and Miracles...OH MY!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Transferências e milagres

Ola Minha Familia,

Tudo bem? Como vocês estão? Eu sinto saudade de vocês e eu oro para vocês todos os dias. This week was the beginning of a new transfer for me. I have a new companion who is a native and only speaks a little english which I like actually. His name is Elder G. Oliveira and he is the district leader and he is awesome. This week has been great and filled with a lot of contacts and a lot of miracles. We have talked to a lot of people this week and made a lot of novos and even marked some as well. One person we are teaching talks english really well and is really interested in the gospel and the missionary process. We marked him for the first of february and he said that if he received an answer that he would be baptized. We also had another miracle happen yesterday at church. We have been trying to find this guy that gave us his address and number, but we spent this whole week searching but couldn't find it. So we gave up on trying to find him and went to church. And to our surprise he came to church and I got to talk to him. He actually remembered my name and said that he passed his wrong address because he is new to the area. So now we have him and our other one who will be baptized hopefully before this end of the transfer... I am sorry but I am running out of time, but know that I love you all and am thinking of you all always. Try to find ways to serve and increase your faith in Christ this week. Eu amo vocês!! 

Com amor,

Elder Nawahine


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