WEEK 10: Recognize HIS beauties in your life.....and watch out for Doodoo!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>
Date: Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Subject: Gods creations

Ola minha familia,

I hope and pray that everything is going well for each of you. Nothing really big happened this week except the fact that there were these 2 guys who were looking for someone to kill (no joke). We were waiting at the bus stop and they were right by us grabbing stuff to stab and beat this person with. It was scary to be that close to something like that. Luckily the bus came right in time so we were not involved in anything. The only thing this week that really caught my attention is all of gods beautiful creations. Brazil is beautiful once you get past the smell and the poop everywhere haha. It is awesome to think that God could create something so beautiful for us and yet we take it for granted. So my challenge for you guys this week is to realize everything that God has given you. We are truly blessed and we should count our blessings always and give thanks to God for what we have. Im sorry this email is short but this is what I was inspired to say this week. Eu amo vocês e eu tenho saudade de vocês!! Lembram-me sempre e oram por mim tambem!!

Com amor, 

Elder Nawahine


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