
WEEK 75-78: Y'ALL NEED JESUS!! Yes....yes we do!

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 6:19 PM Subject: New area, New comp, New everything Aloha family, I hope all is well with everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written an email for soo long but I will try my best to fill everyone in. I left West Salem about 2 weeks ago now and have moved to Lebanon. My area is snow peak and it is a big area but the ward isn't as big. I am no longer a zone leader but I am a district leader and also a trainer. I am training a new missionary from Idaho who will be serving in Brazil. His name is Elder Reyes and he is awesome! He gets nervous a lot which is normal but it has been a blast so far. When I got to this area there wasn't really much here. Not many people were being taught and the missionaries didn't leave the best reputation. Luckily we have changed all that in the 2 weeks we have been here. We are teaching more people now and even invited someone to be baptized last week. S...

WEEK 73-74: Honor the family name you bear!

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM Subject: Ice ice baby Aloha family! It's been a while since I've actually written an email and I'm sorry! A lot of stuff has happened these past couple of weeks. My papa (my dad's dad) has been in the ICU for a week now because he contracted covid and pneumonia and it's been attacking his lungs bad. He spent all last week on a ventalator but because of miracles and prayer he is off but still on an oxygen machine this is supllying him with sufficient levels of oxygen. He is still in the ICU but is still fighting this tough battle! This weekend was crazy because we had a huge ice storm that froze everything with a thick layer of ice everywhere! Even all the blades of grass were frozen! Due to the storm we lost power for a whole day and it was so cold inside. We spent most of the day inside of our car because that was our source of heat and power haha. Members were tell...

WEEK 71-72: Only Pictures

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 7:01 PM Subject: Pics of the week I love you all and hope you all enjoy the pics of the week:) Aloha,  Elder Nawahine 

WEEK 70: Staying another transfer in West Salem!

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 6:30 PM Subject: Pics of the week! Aloha family! I don't have a lot of time today but I wanted to send some pics of the week. I will be staying another transfer here in this area with Elder Featherstone and I'm so pumped! I love you all and hope all is well! Aloha,  Elder Nawahine 

WEEK 68-69: Casual vs. Consecrated

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 5:53 PM Subject: Casual vs Consecrated Aloha family!!  It has been a couple of weeks since I have emailed but there has been a lot happening. We have been preparing Paul and Pam to enter into the temple. They have a lot of questions but they are so excited to go to the temple and do baptisms for their ancestors and seal their family for eternity. Last week we found 5 new people to teach while we were walking around and looking for referrals and now this week we found 5 new people using Facebook. It was just such a miracle being able to find people using all the tools the Lord has given us. This week one of my friends from High school, Jake Smith, passed away in a car accident. Though I didn't know him the best it still hurt to know that he was gone and that he wouldn't be there when I got back. A lot of questions filled my head such as why did this happen and why now? He was a great mission...

WEEK 65-67: Mele Kalikimaka!!! Never turn your back to da WAVES!!! smh

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 6:22 PM Subject: Christmas calls Mele Kalikimaka!! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas with family or friends or both. I have missed each and every one of you this season and can't wait to reunite next year:) it is crazy how fast time has flown by! Last weekend Paul Kuhns got baptized and I was able to confirm him! It was definitely a miracle on how he accepted baptism and now he is baptized like his wife. It was a beautiful baptism and all he said was that he wanted to thank us missionaries...he is awesome and I can't wait for them to get sealed together for eternity! Christmas was amazing and fun because we spent it with members! My highlight was talking to my foster brother, kepa. For those who don't know kepa, he is currently in the Utah County jail waiting to be released and it has been a journey for him. I've been able to communicate over Facebook messenger but never ...

WEEK 64: Charlie Baptized!! Washed clean! Fill the tank higher next time :)

  ​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 5:54 PM Subject: Baptism to remember Aloha family, I miss you all so much especially during this time of year. I hope you are all safe and warm and healthy. This week was an awesome but fast week. I can't really remember a whole lot that happened but I know we had a lot of service this week. We had a service project for the Dallas food Bank in our zone and it was so much fun! We then drove up to Otis, by the coast, to help with the fire cleanup. Then we had a couple of other random service projects but in one of them we got a Christmas tree. Just like my tree back home, most of its lights don't work... Makes me feel right at home lol. I also donated blood this week lol. This weekend we had a baptism for Charlie and it was definitely one to remember. Charlie's older brother baptized him and they are huge kids. We filled up the font thinking that it would be enough but we were so wrong...