WEEK 8: FAITH can NOT coexist with fear
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org> Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 2:45 PM Subject: Fear cannot coexist with faith Ola minha familia, This week was an awesome and spiritual for me as I hope it has for all of you. The beginning of the week was a struggle because of the language barrier. I could not understand anybody, but towards the end of the week it started to become more clear. I could understand more words and frazes but I still have a lot of work to do. Something my good friend told me is that faith cannot coexist with fear so that means that we need to have faith in everything that we do. When we have faith that does not mean we will not be nervous but it means that we will not be scared. Have faith in who you are (a child of God), have faith in yourself, and have faith in Christ and Gods will. So this weekend I had my first baptism with a boy named Lucas. It was such a spiritual experience for me as it was for him too. Speaking in portuguese du...
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