WEEK 59: The Power of Prayer...God Hears Us!

 From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>

Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 5:47 PM
Subject: The power of prayer

Aloha family,

I hope you all had a fantastic week this past week. I hope you were all able to see the hand of God as well. This week was an amazing week full of miracles and some sad news. This week we had a man call us out of the blue and ask us if we could do some family history with him during week. We set it up for the very next day and he loved it and we are meeting with him again tomorrow. We also had a lesson with a less active lady who wants to come back to church and we had an amazing spiritual lesson with her and her sons. After the lesson she disclosed to us that she wanted her son to take the lessons and be baptized. We also had a lesson with some investigators that we've been working with forever. We invited them to be baptized and they said that they would need to pray about it first but we are so excited for them. I believe the reason we had all these miracles is because we prayed sincerely and meaningfully. Everyone we talked to this week brought up prayer and the power of it. I just wanted to bear my testimony about prayer and how God answers them. I prayed this week that we would give someone a pass along card as we grabbed lunch. We left the apartment and my prayer seemed that it wouldn't come to pass but a lady walked in. She said hi to us and asked about our missions. She then said that she had visited our church before and even took a tour of it. We then gave her a card and our number and we left. God hears our prayers and will answer them according to our faith. We can literally ask God advice on anything and he will give it to us. I invite you all to think about your prayers and how you can make them more sincere. I love you all and pray for you always!!

Elder Nawahine


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