WEEK 52: CHEEEEEHHHOOOOO!! ~Attitude Determines Altitude~

 From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>

Date: Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Cheehoo!!

Aloha family!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! My birthday was definitely one to remember one because I am on the mish but because I know I have family behind me as well. I hope you are all well this week and especially on this day. This past week we had our mission tour and a zone conference. For our mission tour, we had our area president talk to us over zoom and let me just say: wow... he really laid down the law for all of us and has inspired to be so much better. He talked about obedience and how it builds faith. He talked about having a good attitude about everything no matter what is thrown at you! He talked about how no effort is wasted when you are using that effort for the lord. He literally had and taught with so much power that you could feel it over zoom. It was a very spiritual experience for me. This week I celebrated my 20th birthday! I just kicked it with the boys in my district and we just worked as normal. I didn't to distract from the true purpose of a mission even if it is my birthday or not. I also hit my 1 year!! I cant believe I have less than a year left:( time has flown by and it is really sad but exciting! So that means 1st half is over and now it is time for the 2nd half baby! LETS GO!! So my title is a little strange and some might not know what that means... well unfortunately I dont either lol but I know that we Polynesians scream it when we cheer haha. So I would like to talk about attitude and obedience today again. Today for pday, we went to the stake center as usual and saw the whole zone there. We played games together and didn't think much of it but soon we remembered the rules of getting together. As missionaries, we cant come together as a zone and do a pday. So sadly we had to leave. As we got in the car the APs apologized for having us leave but instead of being mad and pissed I thanked them. I told them thank you for keeping us obedient and because of this we will be blessed. I told them that we loved them because of making that hard decision. Once I said that we just blew up!! All of us were so pumped to be obedient and immediately our mindsets changed from this sucks to let's goo!! As we left the stake center we attempted to do a haka we have been trying to practice haha. We screamed the words and the spirit was there for sure. Then to top it off I let out a cheehoo!! This is the kind of attitude we need to have about being obedient to the standards of Lord. There is something I learned in the mission tour and it is that attitude determines altitude! You cant choose the situation but you can choose your attitude to it. Choose the right always!! I love you all and pray for you always! Thank you for your prayers and for your love and support.

Elder Nawahine 

1. Families are forever
2. Some members and a dog after a haircut 
3. Birthday shout out
4. Birthday shakes lol


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