WEEK 51: Obedience Brings Blessings!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>

Date: Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 5:33 PM

Subject: Obedience brings blessings

Aloha family,

This week was an amazing and inspiring week for me and my district, but I'll save the best for last. Anyways, this week we had a couple of service projects this week and even a lot of member lessons. The members in our ward are solid and love to serve the Lord. Their faith is really strong and they just want to come back to church like the rest of us. This week we had the opportunity to talk to two older ladies in our apartment complex. They are really sweet and they have a strong faith in god. They are not members of our church but their beliefs align very closely with ours. We had a great conversation about the will of God and what we can do to improve the world around us. They were so friendly and we left them with a Restoration pamphlet to read and study and said we could come back and talk more. Then we also had a lesson with two part member families this week. The first family is a 14 year old boy who's beliefs don't align with ours but he wants to read the book of Mormon and learn more. We are taking it slow with him at the moment because we don't want to scare him but there is progression. The second is a wife/mom who is really nice. We had an awesome lesson about justice, love, and mercy and they loved it and we should be going back there this Sunday!! So now to my subject! So in our district council we talked about obedience and how we can improve. It was an awesome discussion and the spirit was so strong. There were only small things that needed to change but still there needed to be change in order to be exactly obedient. Something that I have learned is that obedience brings miracles! When we are truly obedient we receive blessings upon blessings until we have no more room to receive them. Though we won't be perfectly obedient the lord knows exactly this. The lord doesn't expect perfection he expects progression! As long as we are progressing we are becoming like him! My challenged is to look at your life and see what you can change. You aren't sacrificing anything to be obedient because the blessings out weigh the "sacrifice". If you need to change then change now. Start now. When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago, but the next best time is now! Don't procrastinate the day of your repentance! Repent and obey and come follow him! I love you all and hope you head unto my challenge. Keep the faith this week and let your light so shine.


Elder Nawahine 


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