
Showing posts from February, 2020

WEEK 25: get CRABS???!!

No WEEK 24 email as he was getting transferred. From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 7:31 AM Subject: Transferencias Oi Minha querida família, Well first off, I am sorry I didnt get the opportunity to write an email last week, everything was kind of busy with transfers and everything like that... But I have officially left my first area, Aguas compridas. I had to carry my 2 heavy bags on one bus, another bus and drag my bags to a taxi where we drove to our apartment, then I had to carry these bags up 3 flights of stairs so definitely was a process for me haha. My new companion is Elder Oliveira... and no it isnt the same oliveira that I was with. Elder Oliveira is from São Paulo and he is awesome. He is a little quiet but he is a worker and I am excited for this transfer. Bom Pastor is awesome and has no hills or stairs...hallelujah haha. It has been raining here for the past couple days now and due to carnaval we can only wor...

WEEK 23: Parting is such Sweet Sorrow!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 12:06 PM Subject: Ultima semana em Aguas Compridas Oi Minha querida família, This week might be my last week in águas compridas with Elder G. Oliveira. It will be really sad to leave this area because I have been here for 4 months already and have gotten accustomed to the members and the area but now I have to leave it and go to a new one... But I know everything happens for a purpose. This week was awesome especially with our investigators because they always feed us. We always go there and leave a message with them and before they let us leave they always feed us with fruit, candy, or cookies. I am not complaining because it is nice receiving fruit and cookies haha. We have this one investigator who knows a lot about the bible and likes to quote the bible during our lessons. We gave him a book of mormon and told him to read one verse. He read one verse and I bore my testimony and he said th...

WEEK 22: O Livro de Mórmon é verdadeiro!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 7:48 AM Subject: O livro de mórmon Minha querida familia, Oh how I miss you all! My heart is full of love for each and every one of you and my prayers are filled with your names always. This week we have been teaching a lot of people and have been testifying about the truthfulness and the power of the book of mormon in our lives and in their lives as well. Something that surprised this week was yesterday we had stake conference and the theme was about the book of mormon. A lot of youth and members bore their testimony about the power of the book of mormon and the role it has played in their lives. The spirit was really strong during the conference and I had the opportunity to sit next to one of our investigators. His name is Luis and he is 18 years old. After it was all done we started to talk about what he thought of the conference and the people in our ward. He said he loved it and loved how ...

WEEK 21: Sheesh, I'm hanging!! This is the way!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 12:09 PM Subject: Trabalho do missionario Opa minha família, Another week in águas compridas and man what a week. Throughout my life I have heard stories of missionaries who get in the house and are so tired and dead from working that they just go straight to bed. During my first two transfers, this did not happen but now it is happening every single night. I come home from the long hot day and take a shower and literally go straight to bed. Me and my companion always complain about how tired and sore we are from the walking and the sun when we get in the house but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it out here and I love this work that I am doing. I love waking up in the morning knowing that I get to study the gospel and preach it to the people here in aguas compridas. I love bringing others to Christ through faith, prayer, and reading the book of mormon. Lately, I have been a litt...