
Showing posts from December, 2019

WEEK 17: Come Follow Me in the Ano Novo!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 12:36 PM Subject: Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo!! Oi Minha Familia, I am so sorry I was not able to email this past week I was busy kicking butts in soccer haha. We had a great Christmas and spent it with the bishop and then we went back home to sleep haha. But we had a lot of people feed us and give us food so looks like the spirit of giving hasnt changed here haha. I wanted to share a scripture last week about the gifts that we would receive on Christmas and the gifts that God will give us. This scripture is 3 Nephi 14:9-11. It says that God being perfect can give us any gift if we just ask of him. So as you guys were around the tree opening presents I wanted you to think of the gifts that our Heavenly Father in Heaven could and would give you if we would just ask. This week was kind of sad for us and for me, because all of our compromissos fell this week and so did our baptism as well. It w

WEEK 16: MELE KALIKIMAKA!! Family is everything!

He didn't have alot of time to write but he sent the below message via chat: Hey I am alive and will call on Christmas. I am sorry I dont have enough time to talk or send an email for this week but know that I love you all and wish you all a merry christmas. Read 3 nephi 14:9-11 that talks about the gifts from god. I love you all and will talk on Wednesday

WEEK 15: Go to the HOUSE of the Lord! You will be blessed!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 1:29 PM Subject: A Casa do Senhor Oi familia, Another week down and I hope it was a good one for all of you guys. This week was pretty crazy because we were not in our area most of the week. Monday we went to Olinda, which is about 30 min from our area by bus, and we drank shakes and went to a tourist place and took pics. Then on Wednesday we went to the airport to renew my companions visa and we had to get up at 5 in the morning just to get there by 7:30. We were there for about half the day and then we came home and did studies and went to work. Then on Friday we went to the temple and had our zone conference at the mission home. The temple was awesome and so beautiful. As missionaries in Recife, we only get to go 4 times on our mission... but with the split of the mission I might be able to go only 2... but I will take what I can get. We weren't there for that long, but we still d

WEEK 14: Fly and FIGHT like sure would eliminate steps and stairs!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 12:59 PM Subject: Lutando Ola Minha familia, Not a lot has happened this past week but I will explain in further detail my area. I am serving in Pernambuco in aguas compridas. Our apartment is a newer apartment, but we do not live in our area so we walk about 7 min until we arrive in our area. Our area consists of a lot of hills and stairs that we climb every single day to our many appointments throughout the week. And as the weather is starting to get hotter it doesnt help with the many stairs haha. Our investigators are awesome and currently we are teaching this family that we should be baptizing this month. The mom on the other hand has a lot of questions about our church, especially about Joseph Smith. As missionaries we try to answer her questions and lead her to the right sources to find these answers, but she chooses not to. We will keep working with her this week especially since we w

WEEK 13: Families are THE central part of the plan of God!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 1:19 PM Subject: As Famílias Ola minha querida família, This week was an awesome spiritual week for me. Our investigators are awesome! There is this one family who is really strong, but they arent members yet. We try to visit them during the week, but they end up going to another church instead. But when we do visit them they are awesome! The spirit is so strong when we teach them and I have no doubt in my mind that they will be baptized but it will be in Gods time. Also I had a small service opportunity with a biker and his chain. It fell off his bike in the middle of the road and I picked it up though it had grease and oil on it. Though it was small it was still service for me.Thanksgiving has passed and I hope you guys enjoyed the food, the time with your family, and football haha. Thanksgiving here is not celebrated, but I treated myself to ramen, egg sandwiches, and juice haha. But I hop