WEEK 63: Gratitude is Key!

 From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org>

Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 6:19 PM
Subject: Gratitude is the key

Aloha family,

I hope you all had a fantastic week. This week was a long week that was full of meetings. We had zone conference, language conference, mission leadership council, zone council all this week. It was so long and some were kind of boring but something that I learned is that comparing ourselves is a common problem especially among missionaries. This week was Thanksgiving and we visited our recent convert Pam and her husband Paul. They have a beautiful house and Paul will be getting baptized this month! We then ate dinner with a member in our ward and the food was so good. This Thanksgiving was definitely better than last year lol. If yall didn't know already, there are people going back to their OG missions which means that maybe I might go back but we will see. I love it here and I love the relationships I have established but it is all up to the Lord and where he needs me. Well I wanted to share that gratitude is the answer to most if not all of our problems. Gratitude won't cure covid but it can cure other social problems that the world has. When we are grateful to our Heavenly father he gives us so much more blessings! This is what I want you all to remember is that we need to be grateful more!! I love you all and can't wait to see you again someday!


Elder Nawahine


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