
Showing posts from September, 2020

WEEK 53: UP in Smoke!! Gotta Faith em'!

 From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 7:44 PM Subject: Want this smoke... no lol Aloha family,  I hope all is well with everyone and I pray that everyone is staying safe with everything going on. This week was different as you probably can tell from my title haha. There are a bunch of wildfires in oregon and surrounding oregon, so oregon has been covered in a cloud of smoke this whole week. Fortunately I have been ok but some missionaries have had to evacuate because of how close the fires got. Luckily they made it out safely and they are safe and sound with other missionaries. The air quality is hazardous outside so they put us in lockdown until further notice. But at least we have been able to make some funny videos. So I would like to talk about faith for a little bit because it has been on my mind for a while. I might have talked about this before but it's always a good reminder;) so we learn in ether 12:6 and also Hebrew 11 t

WEEK 52: CHEEEEEHHHOOOOO!! ~Attitude Determines Altitude~

 From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 6:26 PM Subject: Cheehoo!! Aloha family! Thank you all for the birthday wishes! My birthday was definitely one to remember one because I am on the mish but because I know I have family behind me as well. I hope you are all well this week and especially on this day. This past week we had our mission tour and a zone conference. For our mission tour, we had our area president talk to us over zoom and let me just say: wow... he really laid down the law for all of us and has inspired to be so much better. He talked about obedience and how it builds faith. He talked about having a good attitude about everything no matter what is thrown at you! He talked about how no effort is wasted when you are using that effort for the lord. He literally had and taught with so much power that you could feel it over zoom. It was a very spiritual experience for me. This week I celebrated my 20th birthday! I just kicked i

WEEK 51: Obedience Brings Blessings!

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 5:33 PM Subject: Obedience brings blessings Aloha family, This week was an amazing and inspiring week for me and my district, but I'll save the best for last. Anyways, this week we had a couple of service projects this week and even a lot of member lessons. The members in our ward are solid and love to serve the Lord. Their faith is really strong and they just want to come back to church like the rest of us. This week we had the opportunity to talk to two older ladies in our apartment complex. They are really sweet and they have a strong faith in god. They are not members of our church but their beliefs align very closely with ours. We had a great conversation about the will of God and what we can do to improve the world around us. They were so friendly and we left them with a Restoration pamphlet to read and study and said we could come back and talk more. Then we also had a lesson with two