WEEK 45: FAITH and fear... of sleepwalkers....creepy!
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org> Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 6:06 PM Subject: Faith and fear... of sleepwalkers Aloha my beloved family, My week was great and I hope yours was just the same. We have finally been released from the dog house and out on the streets. We aren't aloud to knock on doors but we can openly talk to people as long as we wear masks. A couple of miracles have opened this week because of this new change. On our very first day of leaving the apartment we walked blindly and said hi to passing cars and a couple of runners. A runner passed us from behind and turned around and waved and kept going. As he was about 50 yards away he turned around and ran up to us and asked to walk and talk with us. His name is james and he is surprisingly 19 haha. He is studying to become a pastor but doesn't truly trust in his faith. He is seeking for the truth and is currently reading the book of mormon. We have talked to him about 2 times...