
Showing posts from July, 2020

WEEK 45: FAITH and fear... of sleepwalkers....creepy!

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 6:06 PM Subject: Faith and fear... of sleepwalkers Aloha my beloved family, My week was great and I hope yours was just the same. We have finally been released from the dog house and out on the streets. We aren't aloud to knock on doors but we can openly talk to people as long as we wear masks. A couple of miracles have opened this week because of this new change. On our very first day of leaving the apartment we walked blindly and said hi to passing cars and a couple of runners. A runner passed us from behind and turned around and waved and kept going. As he was about 50 yards away he turned around and ran up to us and asked to walk and talk with us. His name is james and he is surprisingly 19 haha. He is studying to become a pastor but doesn't truly trust in his faith. He is seeking for the truth and is currently reading the book of mormon. We have talked to him about 2 times...

WEEK 44: The Lord's Church is restored....READ the proclamation!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 5:42 PM Subject: Oh how lovely was the morning... Aloha family,  I hope you all had an amazing week this past week full of blessings and family! I also hope that you were all above to spend your time with the right people. This past week was kind of busy especially towards the end. Nothing really happened in the beginning but we celebrated my companions birthday last Thursday. He is now 19 so he's just a young one haha. His birthday was spent with the boiz in our district as we spoiled him with cake, games, and pizza with some panda lol. He asked for nothing for his birthday so I thought making him cake would be the next best thing haha. The APs or other roommates have been away since Thursday which honestly has been a blessing but lonely as well. We were able to contact a lot of people without having someone to distract us and we were able to deep clean the house without anyone making a...

WEEK 43: TIME - Wisely or Foolishly??

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 5:07 PM Subject: Time Aloha family!! I miss you all and hope you had a great 4th of July! My 4th was a little different due to being a missionary of course but also because we are in quarantine haha. We had a chance to eat with a member this week and it was good to finally get out of the house. This week we almost taught a girl that I met while I was in Brazil! I reached out to her over facebook and we started to talk and then I invited her to learn more about christ and she accepted but we haven't been able to call her for a while... hopefully we will have a lesson soon. Our district had the opportunity to eat dinner at presidents house as his children went back to utah for the month. We had a great sugar free meal lol and gave a spiritual message about freedom. We also had a chance to do a musical number for them and their extended family over zoom. I also had interviews with presid...

Week 42: ETERNAL DIFFERENCES by small and simple things!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 7:01 PM Subject: Christlike Aloha family, Another week has gone by and it went by so fast!! This week was transfers and it was awesome but really busy at the same time. We received 40 new and reassigned missionaries this transfer. We setup a pretty interesting way where we could keep everyone separated and it was really effective. President was really grateful for the service that we did. This week we had a funny event happen at 6:36 am this week lol. Elder baker and my companion got into a prideful contest about waking up on time and they came to the conclusion that if the other person wasn't awake at 6:35 then a bucket of water was the consequence. Well unfortunately my comp was the first victim... his alarm went off but he didnt wake up but everyone else did. After prayers he was still asleep and it was already 6:35... now I definitely should've woken him up but lessons ...

WEEK 41: How do I know if my thoughts come from God???

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:59 PM Subject: Thoughts from God Aloha my beloved family, I hope all is well with all of you. This week has been a great week and even better with fathers day as well. I hope all of you had a chance to recognize your fathers or father figures in your life. This week we got in contact with some of my companions friends again and we taught them the plan of salvation. It was a good lesson and they definitely learned a lot, but they also had a lot of questions which is good. We answered all their questions with scripture and backed it up with our testimonies and it went really well. They agreed to pray about it all and to see us this week as well so I am pretty excited about that. We also had a chance last week to do a service project with some members in our ward. We helped them carry firewood to another members house. It was nice to get out of the house but some of those logs were heavy ...

WEEK 40: The GIFT of repentance. True Love!

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 5:23 PM Subject: Forgive Aloha minha família, Hope you all had a great week full of service and love... in the home lol. My week was an interesting week with zone conference part 2, missionary devotional, and doctors appointments. We have been teaching this 9 year old kid who is preparing himself to be baptized on july 11th. His parents are members but because he is 9 years old then the baptism comes to the missionaries. The family is awesome and we love meeting with them. The kid is so smart, and like every other 9 year old, he is very very hyper Haha. We did a lesson with them over zoom where they did a little skit about alma and amulek that taught them the meaning of friendship. They loved it and we hope to do another one next week. Now back to my title... in the missionary devotional we learned about repentance. We learned that our heavenly father wants to forgive us but first we ne...