WEEK 28: Irmã can you understand me? "Shamalaka lala"
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org> Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:12 PM Subject: Irmã can you understand me? Well guys it is true, the corona virus has arrived in Recife but I am sure you guys are sick and tired of hearing about this virus. So I will talk about an experience I had with a woman. We were trying to make contacts on the street and we happened to knock on a certain door. This lady answered and we started to have a conversation about religion. We got to the point when we started to talk about the gift of tongues and I explained that the gift of tongues is when a person can speak a new language or say certain words from the spirit but people can understand. Down here people believe that the gift of tongues is talking in a strange language that sounds something on the lines of "Shamalaka lala" haha. I have already heard this walking past many churches. Anyways I explained the gift of tongues to her and asked if she could understand ...