
Showing posts from March, 2020

WEEK 28: Irmã can you understand me? "Shamalaka lala"

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:12 PM Subject: Irmã can you understand me? Well guys it is true, the corona virus has arrived in Recife but I am sure you guys are sick and tired of hearing about this virus. So I will talk about an experience I had with a woman. We were trying to make contacts on the street and we happened to knock on a certain door. This lady answered and we started to have a conversation about religion. We got to the point when we started to talk about the gift of tongues and I explained that the gift of tongues is when a person can speak a new language or say certain words from the spirit but people can understand. Down here people believe that the gift of tongues is talking in a strange language that sounds something on the lines of ​​ "Shamalaka lala" haha. I have already heard this walking past many churches. Anyways I explained the gift of tongues to her and asked if she could understand ...

WEEK 27: Dare to Stand Alone....You are NEVER ALONE!!

​ From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 1:47 PM Subject: courage Well another week here in Bom Pastor and let me tell you all that it was hot... really hot. You could be in the shade but you will still sweat but of the heat and our fans only blow hot air on our faces so... awesome haha. This week was kind of a struggle because most of all our appointments fell due to them not wanting to talk to us and them not being in the house. It was a struggle, especially when we had divisions and I had to stay in the area which was difficult because I don't know the area that well... but luckily I was able to find everything ok and only got lost once haha. We knocked on door after door and most people said, "I am busy" or "I am already a part of a church"... but we still tried our best. We invited and invited and tried our best to share this wonderful gospel with everyone but just like the scriptures everyone has a choic...

WEEK 26: Carnaval...Crazy!!! Serve in secret and be thou Humble!

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 1:36 PM Subject: Carnaval chegou e teminou Well this week was crazy... we only worked in the morning due to carnaval and it was stressful. We had a lot of study time which was nice but your mind starts to wander after 3 hours in the house with nothing to do but read... Every night there was a party outside our apartment that kept me up most of the night haha but it was an experience. Most of the people we talked to this week were interesting... for example: We were talking to this man about Adam and Eve and the agency that they had and how we all have agency to choose right or wrong. He responded like this, "your agency is different and doesn't exist because God put his children on the earth and the children of satan on earth..." He explained that we are already chosen on where we will go after this life... we then continued to teach about...