
Showing posts from January, 2020

WEEK 20: Walk in Faith as a FAMILY!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 1:08 PM Subject: Uma Rua em Brazil Oi minha querida familia, This week was an awesome week for me and my companion. A lot of miracles happened again this week and one of the biggest was we were struggling finding new people to teach so we stopped in the middle of the road and prayed. When we finished praying my companion turned to me and said to choose a road. So I chose a road and we started to walk down that road and we made a goal that we would talk to everyone on that road... and that's exactly what we did. We talked to everyone and we made a lot of contacts that day. We made about 16 contacts that day and even went back to teach some of them. We also were given a reference last Sunday but we forgot to get his address and his number, but we did mark a day to visit and talk to him. So that morning we left the house and literally walked in faith and as we were about to give up he pulled

WEEK 19: Transfers, Companions, and Miracles...OH MY!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 1:54 PM Subject: Transferências e milagres Ola Minha Familia, Tudo bem? Como vocês estão? Eu sinto saudade de vocês e eu oro para vocês todos os dias. This week was the beginning of a new transfer for me. I have a new companion who is a native and only speaks a little english which I like actually. His name is Elder G. Oliveira and he is the district leader and he is awesome. This week has been great and filled with a lot of contacts and a lot of miracles. We have talked to a lot of people this week and made a lot of novos and even marked some as well. One person we are teaching talks english really well and is really interested in the gospel and the missionary process. We marked him for the first of february and he said that if he received an answer that he would be baptized. We also had another miracle happen yesterday at church. We have been trying to find this guy that gave us his addr

WEEK 18: Are those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Brazil???

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 12:35 PM Subject: Turtles in the sewers Olá Minha Família, I love you all and wish you all Feliz Ano Novo!! This week was a good week but a struggle for me as well. I dont know if included this into my email, but we have been teaching these two awesome girls, Joelli and Jessica. They are so good and read and pray together every night. They wanted to be baptized, but their mom is from another religion (assembleia de Deus). Their mom said they could be baptized if they received an answer and knew more about the church, so we did just that. We had them pray and we taught them the first five lessons before baptism and answered any questions they had. They received their answers and were so excited to be baptized...but the mom said no and wouldnt let us return and wouldnt let them go to church. This has been a struggle for me, because a lot of times the kids want to be baptized and join our chu