
Showing posts from October, 2019

WEEK 8: FAITH can NOT coexist with fear

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 2:45 PM Subject: Fear cannot coexist with faith Ola minha familia, This week was an awesome and spiritual for me as I hope it has for all of you. The beginning of the week was a struggle because of the language barrier. I could not understand anybody, but towards the end of the week it started to become more clear. I could understand more words and frazes but I still have a lot of work to do. Something my good friend told me is that faith cannot coexist with fear so that means that we need to have faith in everything that we do. When we have faith that does not mean we will not be nervous but it means that we will not be scared. Have faith in who you are (a child of God), have faith in yourself, and have faith in Christ and Gods will. So this weekend I had my first baptism with a boy named Lucas. It was such a spiritual experience for me as it was for him too. Speaking in portuguese du...

WEEK 7: Challenge your FAITH!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 2:54 PM Subject: First week in the field Ola Minha Familia,   So first week out in the field has been really really rough. The language here is really different compared to sao paulo, but its a work in progress. My new companion is Elder Mossman from Hawaii (shout out to aunty sharon). We knew of each other before the mission and now he is my trainor which is so cool. Its kinda funny that our neighbor of our apartment plays ingles music that me and my companion know, so we will start to jam out during study time lol. Something spiritual that happened to me this past 2 weeks was in the CTM. Something my instructor told me was that angels walk the halls of the CTM and sometimes they disguise themselves as humans. I testify to all of you that he was right, angels do exist for everyone I met in the CTM was an angel that was placed in my life by God. My instructors were the biggest angels...

WEEK 6: In Recife! Now get to work!!

Iosepa left the Sao Paulo MTC this Tuesday 10/15/19 and wasn't able to write or call us.  But we got these pics from his Mission President's wife.   Howz Dat!  First companion and trainer is a local boy!  2 Hawaiians in the field.  Elder Elijah Mossman is Iosepa's trainer!  He is from Aunty Sharon Rickards home ward in Kaneohe.  What are the odds??  Hahaha.  God is good!

WEEK 5: What is that coming out of my mouth??? Oh....that's Portuguese!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 11:43 PM Subject: Conference and last week in the CTM ola minha familia, All of you guys have been on my mind this whole week with my weekly temple trip, to my personal experiences this week, and even conference. I hope and pray you all had to wonderful opportunity to listen and ponder the words of our prophet and all the other amazing speakers as well. Conference here in the CTM is a little different than back home: for example, Conference is at 1 pm for us and we all gather in the auditorium to watch all five sessions. What an amazing experience it was for me to watch conference in the country where I'll be serving. It's amazing to think that every time we have heard in conference it's just another chapter of scripture for us to use in our lives. I challenge each of you to look over what was said this weekend and ponder and figure out how you can use it in your life and how you ...

WEEK 4: He taught to Become as little children.....but NO act like one!!

From: Iosepa Nawahine <> Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 3:59 PM Subject: Love of God Ola minha familia!! I hope everyone is doing well! I miss all of you guys and pray for you all the time. This week has really tested my patience and my purpose as a missionary. I have been annoyed with some of the elders from my district just because they act like little immature children. I've praying for strength for patience and humbleness and God has answered my prayers. Only through God was I able to get through this week without flipping a desk over lol. Also this week has been very spiritual for me as well. IDK how God does it, but he can take total strangers and turn them into family. I've seen this many times since i've been in the CTM. for example, our brazilian roommates left this morning to their missions and so did my very good friend Elder Fogg from idaho falls. It was like saying goodbye to family when i had to say goodbye to them last...