WEEK 64: Charlie Baptized!! Washed clean! Fill the tank higher next time :)
From: Iosepa Nawahine <iosepa.nawahine@missionary.org> Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 5:54 PM Subject: Baptism to remember Aloha family, I miss you all so much especially during this time of year. I hope you are all safe and warm and healthy. This week was an awesome but fast week. I can't really remember a whole lot that happened but I know we had a lot of service this week. We had a service project for the Dallas food Bank in our zone and it was so much fun! We then drove up to Otis, by the coast, to help with the fire cleanup. Then we had a couple of other random service projects but in one of them we got a Christmas tree. Just like my tree back home, most of its lights don't work... Makes me feel right at home lol. I also donated blood this week lol. This weekend we had a baptism for Charlie and it was definitely one to remember. Charlie's older brother baptized him and they are huge kids. We filled up the font thinking that it would be enough but we were so wrong...